This is a walkthrough of every feature our app has to offer. It contains links to articles that will explain each of the sensemetrics modules and every feature.
This guided tour will cover the following topics:
- Setting up the Network
- Configuring the Network
- Sharing your Network
- Analyze
- Graph
- Table
- Map/Image View
- Alerts
- Notifications
We will begin by showing you how to set up your sensemetrics network. Once this has been completed, the tour will then show you the many different modules used to analyze the data you have collected.
Let's get started!
Section 1: Setting up the Network
*If you already have a fully configured network set up and access to your server, you may skip to Section 4.
First thing's first, you will need to set up your network. This can be seen in the article Setting up the Network.
If everything is connected and blinking green, you are ready to continue. If your are seeing red, check the "Why is my THREAD blinking red" article in the FAQ.
Next, you will have to add your THREAD nodes to the server. Follow the steps outlined in Adding a THREAD.
Something that directly connects to a THREAD is know as a device. Follow the steps in Adding a Device to learn how to add a device to your sensemetrics server. Specific device details on how to add and configure a device can be found in Device Details.
Section 2: Configuring the Network
Now that you have your network up and running, you are going to want to configure the settings on each of your sensors. This is done in the Configure module. Within Configure, you will see your Nodes, Devices, and Sensors. Nodes are at the top of the hierarchy. A Node can have multiple Devices associated with it and each Device can have many sensors associated with it.
Learning how each works with each other is important in learning how to navigate sensemetrics. Take the time and read each article on Nodes, Devices and Sensors.
Within each entity are settings that can be adjusted to support the requirements of your project. Every sensor will have different settings depending on the type of sensor.
Section 3: Sharing your Network *Admin Only
Now that the Network has been set up, you should share what you have masterfully created with anyone who needs access to the network. This is done by "Sharing Nodes".
The User who initially added the Node will become "Owner" of that Node. The Owner can then share their Nodes with additional Users within the organization to avoid them having to add each one individually.
To learn how to share your node with users within your organization, see User Permissions.
If there are no other users within your organization yet, see Admin Settings, to learn how to add users.
*Note: When adding new users, remember to share relevant nodes with them after they have been added.
Section 4: Analyze
Congratulations, by now you should have a fully set up network that you are ready to start analyzing data from. There are three different modules that you can analyze data from, Graph, Table, and IPI.
Graphing is where you will be able to find traditional 2D plots for all of your configured sensors. Knowing how to get what you want on the graph is obviously an important part of graphing. Visit the Selecting Sensors article to learn how to locate and select the specific sensors that you wish to graph.
Once you have selected your sensors, you now need to know how to manipulate the charts to find the data you would like to view. Details on how to do this is found in the Graphing Article.
The Table Module is where you will be able to go through the actual data points collected from each sensor. You are able to filter down the data using multiple types of sorting techniques to find that exact data points you are looking for.
To learn how to utilize the Table Module, see the article, Table.
IPI allows you to view certain plots that cannot be represented in the traditional graphing module. Analyze specializes in plotting 3D representations and special 2D plots such as Displacement vs Height. This is useful for certain types of sensors such as SAA's.
To learn more about IPI and its applications, click the link to visit the Article.
Section 5: Map/Image View
Map and Image View are two visual modules that allow you to spatially represent your sensors while providing real time data.
Image view allows you to upload any image to the server and overlay sensors across that uploaded image. The Sensors, represented by sensor icons, will provide you with the most current data value collected from that sensor. To learn more about image view and how to use it, visit the Image View Article.
Map View incorporates google maps/earth into the server and allows you to overlay sensors and additional layers on top of it. This gives you a visual perspective on how your network is laid out and can simplify the locating and identifying process. See the Map View Article to find how to use this powerful tool.
Section 6: Alerts
Alerts are an integral part of any application letting you know when sensors are passing certain thresholds. To learn how to navigate and add alerts to the Main Alert Configuration page, see Alert Overview.
sensemetrics supports two different kinds of alerts, Status and Data. To learn what each one is and how to set them up, see the respective articles.
Section 7: Notifications
Notifications is the location where you will find information about triggered alerts and much more. Administrative, report, and basic informational messages can be found here.
Visit the Notifications Article to learn more about how to use the module.
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